University Subjects

ECF1200: Macroeconomics

ECF1200: Macroeconomics

Monash University
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Subject Reviews


6 years ago


10% tutorial participation
this is homework that is checked in class. if you don't have it done, then you don't get the participation for that week. also i heard in some other tutes, if you don't speak, they take away marks from this. i had the head lecturer as my tute though but it was mainly only homework as tute participation.

5% test 1
fairly easy, simple test. it tests broadly from weeks 1-3(?)

5% test 2
a bit more difficult this time. tests more narrowly (can't remember the weeks)

10% assignment
basically comprehension assignment. easily can score the full 10%

10% weekly quiz
can take really long if you want to do practice before you do the test. was very draining to do online as it took hours to do all the time.

60% exam
i dont really remember the exam lol but i think it was fair and balanced. not too overly difficult and not too easy as well.
overall, compared to micro this was easier (by a bit lol). it started to get hard-ish near the end (especially week 11s topic) where the concepts explained were quite complex imo. other than that, you just need to put pen to paper and try drawing and understanding the many graphs that come with this unit and you'll be able to easily answer any question.
i heard kris wanted to try to make lectures compulsory next semester by doing quizzes during the lecture so that counts as participation unfortunately
kris ivanovski
Past Exams Available
mock one made by lecturer but....basically useless lol except for multiple choice
4 out of 5
Recorded Lectures
Textbook Recommendation
i had one but didnt really use it
x1 2hr lecture
x1 1hr compulsory tutorial
Year & Semester Of Completion
sem 2 2018
Your Mark / Grade
91 hd

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