I currently have an amazing amount of work to do. Also, I just found a half-written but extremely long subject review that I mustve done SWOTVAC and left in my notes app. Rather than doing actual work, I finished it off, so here you go
Hydraulics taught well?
Taught well?
So my review of the hydraulics component of
Systems Modelling and Design wasnt the most glowing Ive ever written. Roger Hughes was a spud lecturer, the exam prep material was a joke, and the admin/student relations of the entire subject wouldve been better run by a Russell Hobbs toaster (theyre known for their excellent communication skills btw).
This subject takes quite a turn for the better. It starts with a clearly codified structure (which was completely absent in SMD), and its assisted by the concise and cogent video lectures from Mike Stewardson.
The subject has three components: channel hydraulics (basically a review of SMD), natural channels (i.e. rivers and streams) and coastal hydraulics (waves brah). These are given 4 weeks each, and each of them have their own assignment, prac report (except for coastal) and mid-semester test. Each component is given equal weighting on the exam so itd be wise to pay attention all year, though we all know them late semester strugs.