University Subjects

ECOM30002-ECOM90002: Econometrics 2

ECOM30002-ECOM90002: Econometrics 2

University of Melbourne
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2 years ago

- 4 group assignments worth 7.5% each (can be done individually if you dare)
- Final exam worth 70%

Matt was a fantastic subject coordinator and he made the subject content incredibly straightforward. I only joined the subject in Week 3 so at first I was quite worried about how behind I was going to be, but despite horror stories of how difficult ECOM 2 was, I found the content was taught in a very simple and easy-to-understand method.

Despite that, it was a still a major step up from Econometrics 1. The maths was very easy but I struggled a lot with the coding component, particular the Monte Carlo simulations. Coding isn't on the exam but it is a major part of all 4 assignments, particularly the last two, where the codes become a lot more complicated than the usual regression analysis most people were used to from Econometrics 1.

In terms of content, the subject was split into 3 topics:
1. OLS and 2SLS regressions
2. Panel Data
3. Time Series

I can't say much about tutorials because I didn't go to any of them after 2 weeks. Daniel Tiong (tutorial coordinator) uploaded videos of him going through each tute sheet every week and those were infinitely more helpful.

As for the exam, it's pretty much structured like the course content. There are 4 questions, the first two corresponding to topic 1 (Q1 gives you a real life situation and asks you to interpret the regressions, Q2 gives you a Monte Carlo simulation). Q3 and Q4 are on Panel Data and Time Series respectively.

My one complaint regarding this subject was that we never received any personalised feedback on assignments. Matt provided detailed sample answers, but it was still frustrating getting back an assignment that I scored 76% on and seeing zero feedback on my actual response - not even a slight indication of where I lost marks on. I know some other groups received some feedback, but it would've been great if that had been consistent across all tutors marking.

Overall, though, ECOM was a very enjoyable subject. I'll end this review with some screenshots of our discussion board taken the night before our final exam to sum up the unit.

Lectopia Enabled
Yes, with screen capture
Matthew Greenwood-Nimmo
Past Exams Available
Yes, we were given the 2020 Semester 1 exam and half of the 2016 Exam.
4.5 out of 5
Textbook Recommendation
Introduction to Econometrics, 3rd Edition by Stock and Watson
1 x 2 hr lecture and 1 x 1 hr tutorial per week
Year & Semester Of Completion
2021 Semester 1
Your Mark / Grade
H1 (90)

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