Macro project presentation - 25%. Get yourself a good group for this. I had an amazing group, and we got nearly full marks for this.
Tutorial Participation - 5%. This was based on the weekly readings. The tutor would ask you to present what you learned from the reading/answer some questions related to the reading. Straightforward.
Assignments - 25%. This is the strangest part of the course, and where many people's grievances this term lie. Three assignments were due, but two of the three assignments were "selected at random", and only one or two questions per assignment will be "randomly selected" for marking. We found out that after submitting the first assignment that it would not be marked because "people submitted it too close to the due time". I spent 6-7 hours working on it, and being told the very next day that it would not be marked was infuriating. Furthermore, the questions that were selected "at random" for the second assignment were those that were auto-checked by moodle and not those that had significant mathematical derivations. Felt very lazy.
Final Exam - 45%. 55 Multiple Choice, 11 True/False/Uncertain with explanations. 4 mathematical exercises. This is the first time that I've nearly run out of time in a final exam. Does a good job on testing you on the whole course.
Quizzes - 5% Bonus Marks. Short weekly quizzes that took place in lectures. Bonus marks were given on a linear scale, if you achieved 50% overall you would get 1% extra, while the highest mark in the class (~95%) was given the full 5%.